汉语世界(2021年第2期)总第87期2021 ISSUE 2The Debt IssueChina is building up a mountain of credit: we investigate the looming debt crisis and its solutions. Daoism adapts to the 21st century; juvenile crime leads to a debate on the age of criminal responsibility; 5G technology transforms coal mines; changes come to one of the last matrilineal cultures in the world; and more生于储蓄大国,中国的年轻人却有着全新的信贷观念。一些人通过触手可得的网络贷款平台满足了消费欲,也因此负债累累;另一些人则迷上了游戏般的基金理财。在乡村,除了亲戚间的相互扶助,借款有了更多选择和便...